Direct Family Support
Through our local partners, the schools, we have a foundation of trust and reliable information on families’ needs and capacities. And thanks to our direct engagement with the community, we have a pathway to providing direct support to families in need.
In 2022, ACDEF team visited families, thoroughly assessed their needs, and developed individualized plans to strengthen them.
3 main areas emerged:
1- Improving access to medical support and supplies; many families are forced to choose between putting food on the table and getting medical help
2- Helping breadwinners in the families establish sustainable work to provide a stable source of income; for he who hath shall be given
3- Direct sustenance such as fuel for the winter months or food parcels
Our principles remain:
Dignity First
Do No Harm
Support both Need and Potential
This means that extra care is given to maintaining respectful interaction, that support is presented as an investment in their potential to becoming self-reliant, and that all forms of help are linked to direct needs or clearly-defined projects.
We will continue to expand our efforts in this area, giving hope and communion to hundreds of families.